JavaScript Stack
Posted on:September 7, 2024 | at 05:38 PM JavaScript Stack
- NodeJS
- TypeScript
- ESLint and Prettier in integration
- Yarn v2 via corepack , ideally using PnP node linker.
- Vite
- Storybook
- JSON Server
- ReactJS
- prop-types
- React Router
- React Query , if required with graphql-request .
- MUI core for projects that can compromise with styles, otherwise Base UI .
- ExpressJS with standard , pino and PassportJS middlewares.
- Drizzle ORM with Valibot in integration
- Swagger Autogen ideally, over Swagger JSDoc .
- Swagger UI , ideally in separate container.
- Vitest req. for working with Vite , otherwise Jest .
- React Testing Library with Mock Service Worker
- FakerJS for fake data, with fishery for factories
- Supertest powered by SuperAgent for API tests
- Selenium for browser tests
Special Purpose
- PG Boss for Queue processing.
- React PDF for PDF generation.
- Node Mailer for sending Emails.
- MJML for Email Markup.
- Nunjucks for templates.