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JavaScript Stack

Posted on:September 7, 2024 at 05:38 PM

JavaScript Stack


  1. NodeJS
  2. TypeScript
  3. ESLint and Prettier in integration
  4. Yarn v2 via corepack , ideally using PnP node linker.
  5. Vite


  1. Storybook
  2. JSON Server


  1. ReactJS
  2. prop-types
  3. React Router
  4. React Query , if required with graphql-request .
  5. MUI core for projects that can compromise with styles, otherwise Base UI .


  1. ExpressJS with standard , pino and PassportJS middlewares.
  2. Drizzle ORM with Valibot in integration
  3. Swagger Autogen ideally, over Swagger JSDoc .
  4. Swagger UI , ideally in separate container.


  1. Vitest req. for working with Vite , otherwise Jest .
  2. React Testing Library with Mock Service Worker
  3. FakerJS for fake data, with fishery for factories
  4. Supertest powered by SuperAgent for API tests
  5. Selenium for browser tests

Special Purpose

  1. PG Boss for Queue processing.
  2. React PDF for PDF generation.
  3. Node Mailer for sending Emails.
  4. MJML for Email Markup.
  5. Nunjucks for templates.